Tuesday, 21 May 2013


I have just been reading the latest news reports on the tornado that struck Oklahoma yesterday.
It is so heart breaking and devastating to read about all those who have lost loved ones, their homes, their communities, the life they once knew.
So many who have experienced it are comparing it to an apocalypse...the end of the world...the end of their world. All they have ever known has gone. The people, the places...A huge hole, a void, must be left in their hearts and I can't begin to imagine their pain and the suffering they are going through.

I pray that God will help them through this and that He will sustain them, give them strength and help them to find peace again in their lives. I pray He will heal the broken hearted and ease their pain.

It is at times like this that we see the true fragility of this world. We also see the thin veil between life and death...

We can't ever take life for granted although if we are honest we all do. We expect to wake up in the morning and to live through the day and go to bed at night. The tornado that struck Oklahoma didn't give the people any notice or time to prepare...it came unexpectedly and without warning.

It reminds me to make the most of life. It reminds me that each minute we have is precious, each minute we have with others is precious and that we need to love and value one another as much as we can, whilst we can.

Inevitably people will say why did God allow this to happen? Sadly, I do not have the answers.
But in time, we will know. God is God. And often through adversity and times of struggle, we are led to Him. I believe God created this world but it is not what He intended it to be and we now live in a fallen, broken world, where sadly we experience pain and suffering. But I do know that God is there for those who are going through times of suffering...and I continue to pray that He will reach into those broken lives and heal their hearts and minds and that they will come to know Him and trust in Him.

This tender moment captured on video brought tears to my eyes. A dog and her owner are reunited after the tornado.
God bless Oklahoma.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Making new friends and the art of conversation...

Since I became a dog owner at the beginning of February, I have found that whenever I am out on a walk with Mylo,  I end up talking to a fellow dog owner.
I can't think of many occasions when I haven't stopped to chat with someone! I guess because Mylo is such a cute puppy (I'm not bias! lol) people want to find out what breed he is and what he's called, how old he is etc.
I enjoy talking to others about their dog too. Funny thing is, I never remember the owners name but always remember their dog's!

I like to think I am a sociable person and with having a twin sister I often get mistaken for her and vice versa and so we end up saying hello to each others friends or acquaintances. We're very friendly!
I was mistaken for her twice the other week and the till lady at the supermarket couldn't get over how alike we are.
She commented on how much she liked my new hair cut and how much I'd had cut off.
I soon realised she was talking about Donna and not me. She keeps her hair long and I tend to keep it in a shorter bob style. So, I explained to the lady she must mean my sister and she was so surprised!
She kept saying how we even talk alike!

It's often whilst I am doing the weekly shop I end up talking to people who strike up a conversation with me. Perhaps it is just about how nice a particular cereal is or how expensive bread is now but for some reason, it is usually me that they end up talking to! My girls often ask me why these people end up talking to me...
"Do you even know them?" they ask.
"No",  I reply but perhaps they needed to chat that day. The thing is, the conversation starts about the price of bread but often leads onto other things that they want to talk about, perhaps they've just lost their husband or they are recovering from an illness. Perhaps they have just got back from holiday or maybe they've had car trouble that morning. Whatever the topic of conversation might be, I'm usually happy to listen!
It might just be that I'm the only person they will speak to that day.
I often think that, especially when I see elderly people. Perhaps the only person they get to talk to throughout the day is the postman or meals on wheels delivery person or maybe me.

My sister works in a bank and has a similar experience of being the person someone feels able to talk to. One minute she will be taking details of a standing order that needs setting up and the next minute the customer is opening up their heart to her. She is a great listener and is only too happy to listen. She won't mind me saying she's a great talker too!
Unfortunately though, whilst at work, there are time constraints and on numerous times she has had to politely bring a conversation to a close as the queue builds up, but the customer will go away feeling listened to, valued and better about the things discussed...Now that's customer satisfaction!

My girls have said before now, that I could be a professional 'hospital visitor' for those who don't have visitors because I can talk to just about anybody about anything and everything!
When Phil was in hospital recently, I ended up talking to other patients in the ward, in particular the gentleman who was in the bed next to him. He was an older gent in his eighties although he certainly didn't look it. One afternoon he didn't have any visitors and I pretty much found out his life story...How he'd been a postman in the Lake District and how he'd done his National Service in the 1950's in Germany. He'd lost a daughter tragically when she was only 18 and he'd lost his wife a few year ago after 56 years of marriage...
The things he'd gone through in his life made him the person he is now. And he was a lovely man whom I really enjoyed talking to.

Just a few minutes of your time, a few kind words, a sympathetic ear and a smile can help someone through the day.

My sister recently sent me this video.

Take a look, it is heart warming and really does have the feel good factor.

I certainly don't mean to encourage you to talk to random strangers but if the situation arises and you feel comfortable, go ahead! It might just make someone's day...and yours too!
And sometimes, new friends can be made. Or you never know, it may be your future husband/wife you strike up conversation with!

Since the introduction of social media sites and text messaging, it seems that even with our friends and family it is easy to just press the button and send a message these days rather than pick up the phone and have a conversation! I will hold my hand up to that! We hide behind the laptop screen and speak to the world via the internet...Yes, I know I'm doing it right now!
Just this evening I met up with a friend who I'd not seen for nearly 4 years but because of social media I was almost up to date with the current happenings in her life! Funnily enough, we still had plenty to talk about though and it was really great to see each other 'in person'!
I have many friends whom I have never met through the internet, but I'm so thankful to have them in my life and I always believe that our paths have crossed for a reason and that God is in the business of bringing people together...after all, I met my husband Phil through an on line Christian dating site. 

I know for sure I have been in the right place at the right time and have spoken with complete strangers who have really helped me and vice versa just through a mere conversation.
I will never forget the day I was trying to sort out a financial matter when going through my divorce and that particular day I was at rock bottom and seriously unsure of how I would ever move on from the pain and sadness I felt. That day, I spoke to a woman at the insurance company regarding a policy I held with them. I told her about my divorce and my circumstances. She spoke into my heart and gave me hope for the future. She had been through very similar circumstances and also shared how God had helped her through it.
By the end of that conversation I felt peace and without wanting to sound too melodramatic, I felt like I'd just conversed with an angel.

So, the art of conversation...maybe today you will talk to an angel, perhaps today you will be someone's angel.

*Post draft.

Just read this verse today in my daily readings after already finishing this blog post but prior to publishing...
Hebrews 13 verse 2 says:
"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."

It reaffirms that I am meant to post this on my blog today!

Until next time, God bless xx