Sunday 20 October 2013

Warning: Dogs and raisins do not mix!

Mylo, our cute Cockapoo.

Since owning a dog, I have read lots of helpful tips, ideas and guidelines for looking after our dog.
I have also come across some warnings that dog owners should be aware of too. One of these is that raisins are toxic for dogs! A dog can go into renal failure after eating raisins or grapes and sadly there are reports of some dogs not making a recovery after eating only a handful of raisins.

So you can imagine my horror when I came home from work a few weeks ago and found Mylo had managed to swipe a snack box of raisins off the kitchen counter and eat some!

It is not very often Mylo is left on his own but this particular day he was on his own for a couple of hours. My daughter arrived home to find raisins strewn around the kitchen floor and also up the stairs. Mylo appeared to be ok but how many had he eaten?

I arrived home from work about 15 minutes after my daughter had gotten in and she told me what had happened.
I immediately remember reading an article about raisins being toxic and straight away knew we had to get him to the vet as quickly as possible!

I felt so worried not knowing how many he'd eaten from the box and I knew that even though he appeared to be ok the symptoms might appear soon...

I got in the car with Mylo and drove him down to the vets praying we could park nearby and that he wouldn't start to display any symptoms.
We got parked easily on the busy road thankfully and within minutes of walking into the vets he was seen by a lovely lady vet.

She straight away told me not to panic as some dogs don't react too badly to raisins and in fact her mother's dog had demolished a fruit cake once and didn't have a reaction whatsoever!
However, there was still a risk that Mylo might be a dog that did react.
She advised that we should induce vomiting via an injection to bring up any raisins he had eaten because we figured he couldn't have eaten them more than an hour  or two ago and so they hopefully wouldn't have been digested.
Depending on how many raisins he brought up she said she may need to keep him in over night to put him on a drip and flush out his kidneys...The thought of leaving him overnight really tugged on my heart and I felt my eyes fill up with tears...Hopefully it wouldn't come to an overnight stay and he would be fine.

I said goodbye to Mylo and left him with the vet. She was very calming and reassuring and I felt that  he was in the best of hands.

She told me to call back in an hour to see how he was doing.

I went back to the car and sat there praying. Praying that he would be ok and that he would get through this terrible ordeal.

In the meantime I had booked the girls in for a hair cut and went to the hairdressers to pick them up. I sat there with a cup of tea just thinking about our little Mylo being made to be sick...I felt so bad that somehow he had gotten the raisins off the side. In fact we rarely have them in the house except for when I'm baking a fruit cake! Typical he should find them

The hour passed and the girls and I went to get Mylo.
We walked in and I anxiously asked the receptionist how he was doing...

He had been sick 3 times and managed to bring up 2 raisins...yes, only 2!

I was relieved!

Thankfully, due to the amount of raisins he brought up, the vet felt that Mylo was ok to go home after his ordeal and said that he should rest and drink plenty and we should bring him back if he showed any signs of illness or distress.

We laughed in the car...poor Mylo, made to be sick for only 2 raisins and at cost of £70 to me!
But it wasn't worth running the risk of not taking him...He means so much to our family and we couldn't bear it if anything bad happened to him.

So, Mylo will not be eating anymore raisins. They will be hidden out of sight and my advice to dog owners out there...Remember raisins are toxic!

Please read this link to find out more!

Monday 30 September 2013

I am still here...

I haven't written for a while now.

'Life' just seems to swallow up all my time and energy and I find I have little time to write...or if I do have time, I don't feel the inclination to write.

But I am still here.

I still have so many things I could write about...

I often go through my day thinking, 'That would make a good blog post', but when it comes to writing it down...well it doesn't happen.

So it isn't a case of writers block.

I just wish I could get my head into gear and do it.

But then have I really got anything interesting to say?

It's usually other peoples 'words' or 'lives' that inspire me to write.

I guess my observations may interest some of you.

We all have a point of view. It's good to share our perspective.

It's good to share what I see from 'My window on the world'.

And at the moment I see Autumn, the leaves changing colour, the nights drawing in and cosy days ahead.

Oh, and I see Strictly Come Dancing and X Factor and Doc Martin and Downton Abbey...hmmm, perhaps that's why I'm not writing as much!

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Life without limits...

'Life without limits', is the title of the book I'm reading by Nick Vujicic,
(pronounced Voy-a-chich). He is an amazing guy who is hugely inspiring.

Nick was born without arms and legs and when I first read the title of his book I read it wrongly as
'Life without limbs' because I assumed it was stating the fact that Nick has no arms and legs. But it was stating the fact that Nick has chosen to live life without limits despite his lack of limbs! It seems there is nothing Nick cannot do. He can do things that a lot of able bodied people can't do and more! He swims, surfs, skateboards... just about anything really! He loves the challenge of overcoming obstacles and doesn't give up easily.

It made me think about how easy it is for us to put a limit on the things we do.
How many of us miss out on things because we feel we can't do it or put barriers up so that we won't have to go through it even if something good might come of it?
For Nick there is the obvious physical limitation in his life, which he has managed to overcome with his positive attitude and the help of various gadgets to make life easier but for a lot of people it is 'the mind' that stops them from overcoming life's obstacles.
Fear and the thought of failure has a strong hold over how we live our lives at times. We ask too many 'what if?' questions and end up later on in life saying 'if only!

The mind is a powerful thing. I know. Anyone who has ever experienced depression or anxiety will know that the mind is your own worst enemy!
It is not always easy to overcome the battlefield of our minds but Nick puts his success in overcoming his difficulties with the positive mental attitude he chooses to have.
Some would say that this is difficult in the midst of difficult circumstances or when in the depths of depression or despair but I think Nick proves that nothing is impossible. We can sink or swim, we can fall or fly.
Nick says that the way we live life is all about attitude...we can choose to be positive even in the most difficult of circumstances. It is the way we react to our circumstances that can make all the difference.
Nick himself suffered severe depression as a youngster losing all hope for his life and became suicidal. It was his faith in God that saved him.

His faith and trust in God's plan and purpose for his life has helped him to become the person he is today. He used to question why...why me? But now he is touching hearts and lives with his story. Had he not been born without limbs he would have no doubt been living a very ordinary life! But he has used his struggles in life to inspire others going through difficult and challenging times.
One of Nick's favourite bible verses (mine too) is Jeremiah 29 verse 11-13:
"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future"

Nick is actually thankful for being born the way he is. Life hasn't been easy for him but he has found a purpose to his life and is now an inspirational speaker and attends thousands of speaking events around the world, sharing more about his life and how he has overcome the seemingly impossible.

Nick shares, that the way forward when in the depths of depression or in the midst of difficult circumstances, is not to focus on your problems but to focus on the solutions to your problems. He reminds us to not focus on our limitations but to look at the possibilities!

Sadly, suffering is a part of life and people have bad things happen to them but it doesn't have to define who you are as a person.
Stephanie Nielson, whom I have written about before, is also an inspirational person to me.
She was burned 80% over her body in a plane crash 5 years ago.
She says "I am not my body!" And she is right...she is so much more than that. Her spirit, determination and thankfulness for what happened to her is amazing. She celebrates the anniversary of the accident instead of feeling sad about it because her way of looking at it is that she has had a second chance at life...she didn't die that day! And she still gets to enjoy life with her family despite her difficulties.

Another barrier to moving forward in life is holding on to the past...We feel angry, bitter and sad about things that have happened to us in life and Stephanie Nielson would surely be entitled to feel this way but she has continued to flourish and inspire others despite what has happened...and chooses to live life to the fullest. Since the accident she has gone on to have another baby and is a mother to 5 beautiful children and shares her story with others to give them hope in difficult times. How easy it would have been for her to sink into despair but she chose otherwise.

I mentioned how Nick surfs and it was another inspirational person, Bethany Hamilton, that introduced him to the sport.
She is a champion surfer...with only one arm! She lost her arm in 2003 in a shark attack at the age of 13 whilst out surfing. She lost 60% of her blood and was close to death but survived.
Within the month, she was out surfing again and like Nick, she is also a Christian and gives praise and glory to God that she is still able to surf and share her story with people around the world.
Amazing! And on 17th August this year she got married!

Nick recently got married too and has a son. You can read more about Nick here:

What a happy picture!
He truly is an inspirational guy and has certainly made me think about how I live my life.

Finally, I saw these words of truth the other day that reminds us of what God wants us to be...Victorious! We can overcome obstacles and barriers if we try and don't give up!

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Sarah Jane Docker Art

I am unashamedly going to use my blog for a bit of promotion for my eldest daughter Sarah!

She is 17 years old and is studying Art and Design at college. She hopes to go on to University too.
She is passionate about art and loves to draw, paint and doodle whenever she can.

She has a Facebook page where she posts photos of her artwork and is taking commissions (hint!)
So, click on the link and feel free to hit the like button on her page!

Here are a few examples of her work. I know I am bias because I am her mum, but I think you will agree, she has a gift! I'm a proud mum!

Tuesday 23 July 2013

The birth of a new Royal baby...

I was so excited to hear that the Duchess of Cambridge had gone into labour yesterday.
I eagerly kept flicking over to the news channel to see if there were any updates and when the official announcement was made, I had gone out to walk the dog!
I was so happy to know that the new royal baby, a Prince, had arrived safely into the world! How exciting for his parents. I must admit, I thought it would be a girl and was surprised when they said it was a boy!

I have just watched the new parents emerge from the hospital doors with their precious baby in his mother's arms and then being passed to the new father...What a momentous occasion to see a future King holding another future King in his arms! I felt quite overwhelmed and emotional seeing them all stood together and Kate looked so well having only given birth 26 hours ago.
They both said how they were feeling about his their words, emotional. And it is the same for any new parents. I am sure there has been many tears of happiness and joy!

Now we have to wait for the name...I'm thinking James or George. If he is going to be a king one day he will need to have a 'kingly' name!  Or perhaps his parents will go with something less traditional!

It is amazing how much excitement the new royal baby has brought around the country and indeed the world. There were so many television reporters outside the hospital, I think you would need to be locked away somewhere to not have heard the news!

But any new baby brings with it's arrival excitement, happiness and joy not only to the parents but to the rest of the family and friends too.

Our good friends Amber and Martin recently had their first child, a daughter, Violet,
and I was so excited to go and see her on Saturday.

Here I am having cuddles with her. She is absolutely adorable!

There is something so special about holding a new born baby, Their skin is so soft and downy and they make cute little noises and pull funny faces too!
She also opened her eyes a few times and stared intently at our faces, such beautiful deep blue eyes.
And she is so tiny but so perfect! I just find the whole pregnancy and birth thing a miracle.
I am a big fan of the programme 'One Born Every Minute'  which films women during labour and as they give birth.
I often have a few tears as they hold their baby for the very first time. I think it is the only thing that keeps you going during labour knowing that you are going to get this wonderful gift at the end of it!
And I know that when I had my girls, those first few hours after having them, I just held them and looked at them and smoothed their skin and hair and just felt in total awe of such a tiny being.
And then I would start to think of the journey ahead of me as a parent and sometimes felt quite overwhelmed at the responsibility of it all.
I remember bringing Sarah, my eldest daughter, home from the hospital and I sat her down in her little car seat on the living room floor and looked at her and thought...ok, now what?! My new baby did not come with an instruction manual and it really was a steep learning curve at times!
Life had changed, but for the better.
I think in those early days it is important to call on family and friends for help and support if you need it and just go with it, learning as you go! Take advice where you need to and rest when you can!
When I look at a new born baby, I often think, what has this baby got in store for it's life?
One of my favourite pieces of scripture is Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord. "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans  to give you hope and a future".
God only knows what these little babe in arms have in store for their lives. There is a reason why each one of us is born. There is a reason for everything that happens and I believe that God is in it.
As for the new Prince, his destiny is already planned, one day it is likely that he will become King.
I  hope that the Duke and Duchess will give him some 'normality' in life if that is possible and that he will enjoy his childhood.
I think Princess Diana, the Duke's late mother, made a point of that in bringing up her two sons...Normality was what she wanted most for them and they did get to enjoy and share times together that were as normal as any other family would experience. What a great mother she was to her boys. It is just so sad she isn't here to see William become a father and I'm sure she would have been a really wonderful and fun grandma.
I hope that the media will allow Kate and William time to adjust to parenthood so that they can enjoy that special time of getting to know their new baby with out the glare of the media spotlight.
I am so happy for them both and I'm sure they will be wonderful parents. I am looking forward to seeing the little Prince as he grows up, from boy to man, to future King.
So, did you celebrate the Royal birth? What name do you think he will be given?
I'll just have to keep flicking to the news channel again to find out!

Tuesday 21 May 2013


I have just been reading the latest news reports on the tornado that struck Oklahoma yesterday.
It is so heart breaking and devastating to read about all those who have lost loved ones, their homes, their communities, the life they once knew.
So many who have experienced it are comparing it to an apocalypse...the end of the world...the end of their world. All they have ever known has gone. The people, the places...A huge hole, a void, must be left in their hearts and I can't begin to imagine their pain and the suffering they are going through.

I pray that God will help them through this and that He will sustain them, give them strength and help them to find peace again in their lives. I pray He will heal the broken hearted and ease their pain.

It is at times like this that we see the true fragility of this world. We also see the thin veil between life and death...

We can't ever take life for granted although if we are honest we all do. We expect to wake up in the morning and to live through the day and go to bed at night. The tornado that struck Oklahoma didn't give the people any notice or time to came unexpectedly and without warning.

It reminds me to make the most of life. It reminds me that each minute we have is precious, each minute we have with others is precious and that we need to love and value one another as much as we can, whilst we can.

Inevitably people will say why did God allow this to happen? Sadly, I do not have the answers.
But in time, we will know. God is God. And often through adversity and times of struggle, we are led to Him. I believe God created this world but it is not what He intended it to be and we now live in a fallen, broken world, where sadly we experience pain and suffering. But I do know that God is there for those who are going through times of suffering...and I continue to pray that He will reach into those broken lives and heal their hearts and minds and that they will come to know Him and trust in Him.

This tender moment captured on video brought tears to my eyes. A dog and her owner are reunited after the tornado.
God bless Oklahoma.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Making new friends and the art of conversation...

Since I became a dog owner at the beginning of February, I have found that whenever I am out on a walk with Mylo,  I end up talking to a fellow dog owner.
I can't think of many occasions when I haven't stopped to chat with someone! I guess because Mylo is such a cute puppy (I'm not bias! lol) people want to find out what breed he is and what he's called, how old he is etc.
I enjoy talking to others about their dog too. Funny thing is, I never remember the owners name but always remember their dog's!

I like to think I am a sociable person and with having a twin sister I often get mistaken for her and vice versa and so we end up saying hello to each others friends or acquaintances. We're very friendly!
I was mistaken for her twice the other week and the till lady at the supermarket couldn't get over how alike we are.
She commented on how much she liked my new hair cut and how much I'd had cut off.
I soon realised she was talking about Donna and not me. She keeps her hair long and I tend to keep it in a shorter bob style. So, I explained to the lady she must mean my sister and she was so surprised!
She kept saying how we even talk alike!

It's often whilst I am doing the weekly shop I end up talking to people who strike up a conversation with me. Perhaps it is just about how nice a particular cereal is or how expensive bread is now but for some reason, it is usually me that they end up talking to! My girls often ask me why these people end up talking to me...
"Do you even know them?" they ask.
"No",  I reply but perhaps they needed to chat that day. The thing is, the conversation starts about the price of bread but often leads onto other things that they want to talk about, perhaps they've just lost their husband or they are recovering from an illness. Perhaps they have just got back from holiday or maybe they've had car trouble that morning. Whatever the topic of conversation might be, I'm usually happy to listen!
It might just be that I'm the only person they will speak to that day.
I often think that, especially when I see elderly people. Perhaps the only person they get to talk to throughout the day is the postman or meals on wheels delivery person or maybe me.

My sister works in a bank and has a similar experience of being the person someone feels able to talk to. One minute she will be taking details of a standing order that needs setting up and the next minute the customer is opening up their heart to her. She is a great listener and is only too happy to listen. She won't mind me saying she's a great talker too!
Unfortunately though, whilst at work, there are time constraints and on numerous times she has had to politely bring a conversation to a close as the queue builds up, but the customer will go away feeling listened to, valued and better about the things discussed...Now that's customer satisfaction!

My girls have said before now, that I could be a professional 'hospital visitor' for those who don't have visitors because I can talk to just about anybody about anything and everything!
When Phil was in hospital recently, I ended up talking to other patients in the ward, in particular the gentleman who was in the bed next to him. He was an older gent in his eighties although he certainly didn't look it. One afternoon he didn't have any visitors and I pretty much found out his life story...How he'd been a postman in the Lake District and how he'd done his National Service in the 1950's in Germany. He'd lost a daughter tragically when she was only 18 and he'd lost his wife a few year ago after 56 years of marriage...
The things he'd gone through in his life made him the person he is now. And he was a lovely man whom I really enjoyed talking to.

Just a few minutes of your time, a few kind words, a sympathetic ear and a smile can help someone through the day.

My sister recently sent me this video.

Take a look, it is heart warming and really does have the feel good factor.

I certainly don't mean to encourage you to talk to random strangers but if the situation arises and you feel comfortable, go ahead! It might just make someone's day...and yours too!
And sometimes, new friends can be made. Or you never know, it may be your future husband/wife you strike up conversation with!

Since the introduction of social media sites and text messaging, it seems that even with our friends and family it is easy to just press the button and send a message these days rather than pick up the phone and have a conversation! I will hold my hand up to that! We hide behind the laptop screen and speak to the world via the internet...Yes, I know I'm doing it right now!
Just this evening I met up with a friend who I'd not seen for nearly 4 years but because of social media I was almost up to date with the current happenings in her life! Funnily enough, we still had plenty to talk about though and it was really great to see each other 'in person'!
I have many friends whom I have never met through the internet, but I'm so thankful to have them in my life and I always believe that our paths have crossed for a reason and that God is in the business of bringing people together...after all, I met my husband Phil through an on line Christian dating site. 

I know for sure I have been in the right place at the right time and have spoken with complete strangers who have really helped me and vice versa just through a mere conversation.
I will never forget the day I was trying to sort out a financial matter when going through my divorce and that particular day I was at rock bottom and seriously unsure of how I would ever move on from the pain and sadness I felt. That day, I spoke to a woman at the insurance company regarding a policy I held with them. I told her about my divorce and my circumstances. She spoke into my heart and gave me hope for the future. She had been through very similar circumstances and also shared how God had helped her through it.
By the end of that conversation I felt peace and without wanting to sound too melodramatic, I felt like I'd just conversed with an angel.

So, the art of conversation...maybe today you will talk to an angel, perhaps today you will be someone's angel.

*Post draft.

Just read this verse today in my daily readings after already finishing this blog post but prior to publishing...
Hebrews 13 verse 2 says:
"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."

It reaffirms that I am meant to post this on my blog today!

Until next time, God bless xx

Sunday 21 April 2013


You may remember the last time I wrote my blog, I mentioned a chance encounter I had whilst walking Mylo in the Easter holidays.

Sometimes it just amazes me what a small world we live in!

One morning, a few weeks ago, the sun was shining and Mylo was wanting to get out on a walk. The girls were up but not dressed and I felt like getting out for some fresh air and exercise. It's great motivation when you have a dog to get out for some exercise!
Phil was in hospital with appendicitis and was due an operation and the last couple of days had been tough. To get out for a walk with Mylo and listen to the ipod was a great way of getting away from it all.

Mylo and I have a few different routes we regularly take and this particular day I headed out, walking past the local infant school round the corner from us. Mylo loves children and has often been admired from the playground with shouts of "Aww, look at the puppy" or "Isn't he cute!" but there were no children in the playground that day as it was the Easter holidays.
We carried on past the school and soon turned left onto a familiar street near by. As I walked, I felt a car slowing down beside me, I assumed perhaps I was going to be asked directions.
The silver car stopped just ahead of me and as I walked alongside it, the young couple in the car lowered the window to speak to me.

The man leant across from the drivers seat.
"Excuse that a Cockapoo?" he enquired.
"Yes he is" I replied, excited that someone had recognised the breed.
Then I noticed a fluffy cream coloured dog sat on the woman's knee.
"She's a Cockapoo too!" replied the man, gesturing towards the dog.
She was very cute and peering out of the window to see why the car had stopped and who her owners were talking to.
It was so nice to see another Cockapoo who looked very similar to Mylo. They looked about the same size too.
"How old is he?" the man asked.
"He's nearly 16 weeks now" I told him.
"Oh, so is Poppy!" the lady told me from the car window.
I was surprised to know they were the same age!
"We got Mylo from a breeder near Burnley" I told Poppy's owners.
"Catlow Labradoodles?" the young couple asked.
"Yes!" I replied...and suddenly, at the same time we realised that because there was only one litter of Cockapoo puppies at Catlow Labradoodles at that time, Mylo and Poppy must be brother and sister!

I couldn't believe it! How funny that 2 puppies from the same litter had ended up in the same town, nearly 100 miles away from Burnley!
There were only 6 puppies in the litter and they could have ended up anywhere in the country!

Poppy's owners got out of the car with her and she immediately went to Mylo for a sniff! They seemed to be familiar with each other and sniffed and exchanged puppy pleasantries!  It made me feel quite emotional seeing them together again! I still couldn't believe it.

Mylo and Poppy!
I introduced myself to Clare and Dave, Poppy's owners and asked if they lived nearby. It turns out that they live literally 5 minutes walk down the road from our house...even more amazing!
They had picked up Poppy the day after we had collected Mylo. So, for nearly 8 weeks, Poppy had lived down the road and we hadn't even realised!
I am so glad that Poppy's owners pulled over in their car that day to ask after Mylo. We are now in contact regularly and have become friends. It is so good to see how Mylo and Poppy are growing and developing and perhaps on their 1st Birthday they might have a joint party!

These two photos show just how much Mylo and Poppy have grown!
The picture on the left is them at 6 weeks and on the right at 16 weeks.
They are now nearly 19 weeks. 

This is the original video clip we saw of Mylo when we were looking for a Cockapoo.

Mylo is the golden coloured, inquisitive pup at the front. You can understand why we fell in love with him! And Poppy is the white/cream coloured pup who goes and sits in the corner.
The funny thing is, Poppy who seemed quite timid is actually a very lively pup now whilst Mylo can be very reserved and placid at times! Although he is a lively pup too, Poppy is the one who is the more dominant in their relationship!

Mylo came from Catlow Labradoodles and I can't praise them enough for giving him the best start in life. Catherine is an experienced breeder and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them if you were interested in owning a Cockapoo or Labradoodle. Her experience in dog breeding is evident and she was happy to share her expertise with us and answered any questions we had when it came to collecting Mylo and taking him home with us. We are first time dog owners and the first week or two can be daunting but Catherine made herself available via email or phone call if we needed her help in the first week. Thankfully, Mylo settled really well and we didn't have any major worries or concerns in the first week.

Mylo continues to be a real blessing to our family. He is a such a cute pup and is very entertaining. I love to watch him whilst he is playing in the garden and with his toys.
He is a clever dog and is learning to obey various commands and is starting puppy training classes in 2 weeks time. We are looking forward to that! He is also a playful dog and a loving dog who just wants lots of cuddles and to give you affection too.
Considering I was not a huge doggy person prior to getting him, I wouldn't be without him now and love him to bits!
He really has changed family life for the better and continues to help Laura with the anxiety issues she had. The progress she has made since he came to us has been amazing. She loves to get out walking with him and is now joining us for days out in the Lake District. We all enjoyed a walk up to High Dam near Lake Windermere yesterday.

He has also got used to the camera...He's such a poser!

So, that's the story of how Mylo and Poppy were reunited.
We've just got back from a walk and guess who we bumped into...?
Until next time, have a great week!


Thursday 11 April 2013

A week in my life...The bad and the good!

So, the Easter holidays arrived and I was so looking forward to spending time with Phil.
He is in the army and away Monday to Friday so we make the most of weekends and holidays and Phil had booked a week off. We had some days out in the Lakes planned and also a night away...
Sadly, it didn't turn out the way we hoped.

Phil ended up in hospital having his appendix out! It had been 'grumbling' for some time and on this third episode of severe stomach pain in the last few months, we ended up at our local hospital A&E, with Phil breathing heavily on the gas and air, kindly provided by the triage nurse, who took one look at him and got a doctor almost immediately.
It's times like these that the marriage vows are recalled!
Phil kept saying to me,
"In sickness and in health remember?" and I just looked at him and said,
"Yes, I remember!"

Phil was in a lot of pain and was given pain relief until his operation...almost 48 hours later.
The doctors 'ummed' and 'ahhed' about whether it was his appendix but eventually went ahead with the operation only to discover a gangrenous and perforated appendix which had adheared itself to the bowel...So glad they didn't leave the thing in any longer! Another day and it might have been a different story.

Thankfully Phil is on the mend now and recovering well at work for Phil for the next 3 weeks! So, ultimately we get to spend more time together...every cloud has a silver lining!
At the end of the same week, my niece, Carrie, got married to her fiancé Matthew.
You may remember that my twin sister, Donna and I, were asked...erm...voluteered to make the wedding cake!
You may remember my blog about the Christmas cake off. Well, it was good practice for this challenge!
We made a three tier fruit cake, with marzipan and icing and decorated it with pretty purple silk petals and gems and a beautiful cake topper that we bought in...I can't lie!
We were pleased with the end result and the feedback was positive regarding the fruit cakes which turned out just right...and nice and moist from the 'feeding' we did with brandy, 3 weeks before we decorated them!
We had never made a wedding cake before and enjoyed the challenge. It was also our way of contributing and doing something special for Carrie on her wedding day.
Carrie's wedding was very special and so lovely to be part of and although Phil couldn't make it, me and the girls still had a great day!
Sarah, my eldest daughter was 'official' photographer for the day and took hundreds of photos of the happy couple and some lovely family photos to look back on.
I love this photo of me with my sisters, Lisa and Donna and my Mum and Dad.
From left to right-my sister Lisa, (mother of the bride) me, Mum and Dad and my twin sister Donna.
My twin sister Donna and I with the beautiful bride, our niece, Carrie.

And this is a picture of me with Carrie's daughter, my great niece, Esmé. She is such a sweetheart!
And here is a lovely photo of my 3 beautiful daughters, left to right, Laura, Eleanor and Sarah.
So, that was last week. This week has been a bit more restful. We haven't done that much during the holidays except for getting out for a few walks with Mylo and making some craft things whilst Phil rested up.
However, during last week, whilst out on a walk with Mylo I had a chance encounter that you will find hard to believe...I will tell you more next time!

Until then, enjoy the rest of the week.

Monday 25 March 2013

A week of Birthdays!

It has certainly been a week of celebration in our household with my husband and daughter's birthday only 5 days apart!
Phil reached a significant milestone this birthday when he turned 40!
He is sooo much older than me, well a whole 10 months nearly!

My middle daughter Laura made the giant cupcake for Phil's birthday and it certainly was very yummy!
Phil was at work on his birthday but came home the following day. We had three days of celebrations...a Chinese meal with me and the girls on the first night home, a buffet at our house with my family on Saturday night and we enjoyed a carvery dinner at Abbey House on the Sunday!
So...lots of eating I guess!
He got some lovely presents from friends and family. I got him a watch that he had liked and told me about. So it wasn't a total surprise but at least then he got something that he really wanted.
We are also getting a night away in the Lakes on Easter Monday...just the two of us, can't wait!
My eldest daughter Sarah turned 17 today!
Where have the years gone? It doesn't seem so long ago that she was at nursery! And now she is able to learn to drive, which she intends to do. But her main focus is her art work. She is studying Art and Design at college and is hoping to go onto university next year.
She mainly got money for her presents because as a teenager that's what you need most! And she is hoping to go to a music festival in the summer and is saving up for it.
No party for Sarah this time. Gone are the days of princess parties and pass the parcel!
She went out for a meal with her boyfriend but did have time with family this afternoon and didn't get out of us singing 'Happy Birthday' to her this evening and blowing out the birthday candles!
I had a moment of reflection, thinking back to the day she was born and the feeling of pure joy when I held her in my arms. I felt like the only woman on the whole of this Earth that had ever given birth! I felt so proud of her and of me, for giving birth to a 8lb 15oz  beautiful baby girl.
And then you bring them home and there is no guidebook on how to be the perfect parent...
I saw this on Facebook today and really liked it.
This is for my girls xxx Love you all so much.
So, the week of birthdays is over but I am really looking forward to the next celebration in our family, which is at the beginning of April when my niece gets married...which reminds me, must get on with those cakes!
Hope you all have a great week. xx

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Mylo, Wedding cake and a busy time!

I just wanted to check in on my blog and apologise for not posting for a while.
Life seems to have got rather busy of late and some thing has got to give.
The girls, Phil and now Mylo will always be my priority along with time for God...Don't forget I'm reading the Bible in a Year...again!

I have really enjoyed spending time with our new puppy, Mylo and recently he had his last immunisation which meant we can get out walking with him. He is loving it and so am I.

Mylo ready for walkies in his lovely warm coat! He certainly gets lots of admirers when we are out walking him.

Laura has been doing most of the walking which is great! This evening I joined her and it was so good to get out in the fresh air and enjoy the last of the days sunshine, hearing the birds sing as if it was dawn and not dusk. It really feels like Spring has sprung today, unlike Monday when I stood on the school playground and felt chilled to the bone! The wind chill was bitter. I must remember my hat!

We bumped into Millie, the Cockapoo  on our evening walk. It was Millie and a chat with her owner, a friend of mine, that started us off on the journey of getting a dog last year.
Millie is a real cutie, 18 months old now and she has a beautiful black curly coat. Makes me wonder how Mylo's coat will turn out. At the moment it is very soft and fluffy!

I have also been busy making a wedding cake with my twin sister, Donna. It is for my niece, Carrie, who will be getting married in April.
We are making a three tier fruit cake which will then be marzipanned, iced and,
'The Cake off' we had at Christmas turned out to be good practise for this! We are only novices but Carrie seems to think we can do a good job...proof will be in the eating! I will keep you up to date with our progress...The cakes have been baked and are being 'fed' at the moment, so we have the decorating to do next!

Making the cake. The bottom tier is a 10" round so there was a lot of mixture!

It is also my husband Phil's 40th birthday next week so I have been busy doing a few things in preparation for that...I won't say too much because he might be reading this!

I will get back to more regular blogging soon but until then, bye for now!

Sunday 24 February 2013

Falling Plates

This video was shared with us at church today.

I wanted to share it with you.
I am thankful for the relationship that I have with Jesus Christ and that He has never let go of me through some of the most difficult times in my life. In fact, not only has He walked the path with me, He has, at times, carried me along it.
All you have to do to have a personal relationship with Him is open your hearts, confess the sin in your life, ask for forgiveness and receive Him into your life.
That doesn't mean tomorrow we won't slip up and sin again...we all do! But by His grace we receive forgiveness and the opportunity to start anew each day.
It doesn't make us perfect...I am far from it! But I can promise you, that a relationship with Him offers completeness that you never knew you needed...We all have a 'Jesus shaped' hole in our life that we fill with so many things that bring us temporary pleasure or happiness but ultimately we never find what we are really looking for...until we find Him.
Pray, talk to Him. He is interested in you, He wants to hear from you. He loves you.

John 3:16 says
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

John 14:6 says
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Friday 22 February 2013

Puppy love

   We have a new addition to the family. A puppy called Mylo!

If I am being honest, I have never had much interest in dogs and certainly never thought I'd own one!

But a few months ago now, back in the Autumn, I remember watching a programme about Battersea Dogs home.
I watched with interest as we were introduced to all different breeds of dog, each with it's own sad story as to why it had ended up at the home.
People from all different walks of life and backgrounds came to look at the dogs to see if they could offer them a good home and some of the stories relating to this were quite emotional. To see dogs that had been neglected or mistreated going to a good home was so heartwarming and the dogs were so happy as well as their new owners!

The same night as I had watched the Battersea Dogs home programme, the girls and I ended up watching another programme about dog owners who walked their dogs on Wimbledon Common.
It was so interesting as each owner had a story to tell about their lives and also what the dog meant to them.
I was fascinated about the relationship that each owner had with their dog and how in tune they were with each other.
One woman had become homeless but the dog remained with her as she lived in a hostel and she shared that if it wasn't for the dog she didn't know how she'd get through the day.
Another couple had lost their son and taken on a dog because they knew it would be a focus for them, to help them through their grief and again they shared how the dog brought them happiness in what was a very difficult time.

Of course, the girls then started with their usual plea of 'Please can we get a will be no bother...we'll look after it!" and so on.
But this time, instead of fobbing them off and giving them all the usual excuses I felt that perhaps I was meant to watch those programmes that particular night and that night as I said the bedtime prayers with the girls, I prayed that if a dog was meant to be part of our family then so be it!

Some time later, my sister shared with me about a lady that comes in the bank where she works, The lady had a dog with her and when Donna admired the dog, the lady shared that she had suffered from extreme anxiety and nerves and was fearful of going out but since having the dog, her life had changed dramatically.
She shared how the dog was a great comfort to her and helped sooth her anxiety and fears and also helped her to get out the house because she felt she had a little helper with her all of the time.

As some of you may know, my middle daughter has been suffering with anxiety and fear and struggles to get out but the idea that a dog might help made me seriously consider it.
Could a dog be the therapy Laura needed? On the other hand would I be able to cope?!

Last year I bumped into an old friend and she was walking her new dog. He was a medium size black dog with soft curls and was so cute!
I asked her what breed he was and she told me he was a Cockapoo, a Cocker Spaniel and Poodle cross breed.

She told me how he didn't shed hair and was good for people with allergies and that he was house trained really quickly.
I saw her a few times after that whilst she was out walking him and always admired her lovely dog.

So, after seeing the programmes on television and then hearing Donna's story about the lady who came in the bank, it got me thinking about a Cockapoo...would that be the right dog for us?
And I would have to convince Phil... He wasn't too keen on the idea when I'd mentioned it previously.
But he didn't take too much convincing! Whilst we were watching a film at new year he admired a dog in the film 'I bought a Zoo' and said how nice it would be to have a little dog sat next to him as he watched the film...I sold him the idea of a dog quick smart! His heart softened and he opened his mind to the idea and agreed it might be a good thing for our family and for Laura.

I came home from work one day to find Laura had been looking up Cockapoos on the Internet and she had come across a breeder near Burnley in Lancashire who bred not only Cockapoos but Labradoodles too. They are Labradors crossed with a Poodle.
The website stated that they had a litter of Cockapoos, 4 boys and 2 girls, ready to go to their new homes from the 5th of February.
There was a link on the website to a video taken of the puppies at around 6 weeks.

When we looked at the video we really liked the look of a little golden, boy pup who was very lively at the front of the litter, peering into the camera! And so I sent an email to the breeder and she confirmed the same day that he was available for us to reserve with a £50 deposit... and so we did!

I knew in my heart that it was meant to be. I had prayed about it and felt like the jigsaw puzzle of stories, programmes and bumping into old friends all told me something...Get the pup!

The girls were so excited and started thinking of names for him. They scrolled through pages of dogs names on the Internet and jotted the ones down that they liked.
It was Sarah that came up with the name Mylo. The girls love the band 'Coldplay' and their latest album is called 'Mylo Xyloto' and so Mylo was added to the list. It didn't take long for them to all agree that Mylo was the name they all wanted to call him and so Mylo it is! And I think he really suits his name.

The breeders lived on a farm in Nelson near Burnley and we planned to go to see our pup on Saturday, 2nd of February.
We got some things in ready for our new arrival. A dog bed, a puppy crate and some food, bowls and a few toys.
That Friday, Phil my husband rang me to say he was really unwell and there was no way he could come home that weekend...
The girls were desperate to go and meet Mylo and so I decided I would have to make the journey down the motorway even though I'm not keen on motorway driving! There was no way the girls were going to wait until the following weekend!
However, my very kind brother in law, on hearing that Phil was ill, offered to drive us down there and I must admit to feeling relief at that!

On the Saturday morning we all woke pretty early, unheard of when it comes to my girls and excitedly got ready to meet our new puppy! It was a beautiful sunny day and I felt peace with the decision we had made to get a dog.
Sadly, Laura didn't feel able to come with us. Her anxiety was too much that day, even though she couldn't wait to meet Mylo, so she stayed at home with my sister, her Auntie Donna.
So, me, my brother in law, his youngest son (my nephew) and my girls, Sarah and Eleanor all travelled down  the motorway, eager to meet Mylo.

The journey went well and we found the farm easily with the directions we'd been given.
Funnily enough, a good friend of mine was born and raised in Nelson, small world!
The farm was high up, looking over the town below. The houses below were terraced and were stone built and you just knew you were in Lancashire.
The farm was surrounded by fields and the sound of barking and horses neighing greeted us as we parked up. As well as breeding dogs, the farm owners owned stables and a saddlery and a horse and its owner were standing in the lane as we parked up.
There was a court yard and behind the gates a few dogs were roaming about. They came up to the gate and barked loudly which sent the owner to the front door.
She welcomed us in and asked if we'd had a good journey and if we'd found them with no bother, which we did.
We stood in a large open plan  kitchen/sitting room with tile floors and an open fireplace.
She opened a door off of the kitchen and in ran Mylo!

Oh, he was so cute and I knew that everything was just right. The breeder had said that if the connection wasn't right on meeting him or if we changed our mind then she would refund our deposit no problem. But our first meeting with our little pup couldn't have gone any better!
He was a little shy but playful too and the girls held him and stroked him whilst I had a look at the rest of the litter who were kept in a small building/barn attached to the main farmhouse. The rest of the litter were very sweet too but I know Mylo was the pup for us.
We also met Mylo's mum, a beautiful cocker spaniel with a brown and cream wavy coat and his dad, a black miniature poodle with a tight curly coat. It was obvious that Mylo looked more spaniel than poodle but as they grow their coat can change so I guess we will have to wait and see what he will eventually look like!

The breeder was very professional and gave us Mylo's family tree, details of his vaccination and when the next one was due and and she told us to get in touch if there were any problems.
It was good to see that Mylo had been well cared for and brought up on a lovely farm for the first 7 weeks and 4 days of his life.

He was great on the journey home and fell asleep on a puppy pad on Sarah's lap for most of the journey...that is until we were 8 miles from home. He suddenly got travel sick! But he was ok and thankfully we were almost home.
The sun shone brightly through the window of the car and Eleanor took a photo of him as he lay on Sarah's lap.
The suns rays shone around his head like an angel...our little blessing from Heaven...and he most certainly is. I felt so peaceful about bringing him into our home and just knew that he was meant to be for us!

As we arrived home, Laura met us outside. She had the widest smile and her cheeks were rosy with excitement. Her eyes were fixed on him and she smiled and laughed as she held him in her arms...I felt a bit emotional knowing that, for Laura, little Mylo could be the breakthrough she needs...
We got Mylo for the whole family but it was Laura that got us thinking of the idea to get a dog and the idea had come to fruition. Mylo was here now, with us, forever.

We all went inside and Mylo went into the kitchen and did a little wee on the kitchen floor! We laughed as he sniffed about and looked around.
My sister Donna and my brother in law were there with their boys plus me and the girls and so Mylo must have felt quite overwhelmed! And then my mum and dad came to see him too! So it was a day of meeting new people and settling into his new home.

A very tired Mylo!

Mylo at 9 weeks.

That night we put him in his new bed inside his puppy crate, with a blanket and a cuddly toy and he did cry for a good 20 minutes but settled after a while. We had been advised not to go into him when he cried, otherwise, just like a baby, he would cry and expect us to go into him all the time. It was hard leaving him to cry knowing he must miss his mum and siblings but he settled into a bedtime routine really quickly with lots of love and cuddles from us.

Phil was home the weekend after and he loves Mylo just as much as we do! Phil's good at rolling around on the floor playing with Mylo and runs him around the garden on his lead. Every weekend when Phil comes home he remarks how much Mylo has grown! He does seem to grow overnight sometimes. And now when Phil leaves on a Sunday he has one more member of the family to miss!

Mylo learnt to toilet outside really quickly and we only used puppy pads by the patio doors for a week just in case he didn't make it in time!

Mylo has four small meals a day at the moment of dry puppy food, which is what he was started off on but he is also partial to a scrambled egg! He knows when it's being made and it's coming...he stands by the microwave waiting for the 'ping' and gets very excited, wagging his tail and letting out a little bark!

He has already learnt to 'sit' and this week is learning 'paw' where he gives us his paw. He is adorable and if you are friends with me on Facebook you will have seen how I can't resist updating 'my status' about him, usually with a photo...or two!
He will have his second vaccination in less than two weeks and will be able to go out for walks a week after that.
I can't wait to take him 'walkies'! He has been practising on the lead in our back garden and is already getting used to it.
He loves walking in the borders and playings in and out of the heathers!

He also had fun when it snowed!

He loves the fuss and attention he gets from everyone and I think that he really is the cutest dog in the World!

I'd love to know if you have a dog and what your relationship is like with him or her or perhaps you had a dog growing up that meant the world to you...
Please share your doggy stories, it would be so lovely to hear about them!

I will no doubt write more about Mylo's adventures on this blog from time to time so you will get to know how he's doing and what he's been up to...hopefully nothing too mischevious!

And finally, a video of the Barron Knights singing, 'The Sit Song'. A spoof song about Barbara Woodhouse's methods of dog training from her days on the television back in the 1980's

My sister, Donna, thought it was was funny and shared it with me...It really made me laugh and I'm sure it will make you smile too!