Thursday 6 December 2012


On a lighter note from yesterdays post, I've decided to introduce you to two family members who've been part of the family for 3 and a half years now.
So, making their debut on my blog are our guinea pigs, sisters-Hazel and Clover!

They were named after two of the rabbits from the book, Watership Down. My sister Donna and I loved the movie and must have watched it 10 times or more! Yes...I know they're guinea pigs, not rabbits but they're cute names!

They were a birthday present for my middle daughter Laura on her 11th birthday, after much begging I might add! She was relentless in her begging. She asked over and over and over again. Perhaps 'asked' is too gentle a word...perhaps a more stronger word like 'demanded' is the correct word. She sent text messages to me. She would ring me when I was out. She'd leave notes on my pillow. I have to admit to not wanting the responsibility of pets but Laura said,
"I'll look after them, I'll feed them and buy their food with my pocket money. I'll clean them out and you won't need to ask me. I'll just get on and do it!"

3 and a half years on and none of the above takes place. She helps to clean them out but needs prompting and I have taken them under my wing, like the mother hen I am and tend to be the one who looks after them the most.

They live in a  hutch in the garden during the Spring and Summer but towards the end of Autumn, around Bon Fire night, we bring them indoors to live in their indoor cage. Their diet isn't fancy, just guinea pig nuggets and some broccoli, a carrot or two and maybe some green beans and apple.
They also have hay to eat and as a treat a dried corn on the cob to nibble at.
They make lovely little bubbly noises and when they get excited they 'popcorn' which is just what they look like, a corn popping, flipping their back end round as they jump a little off the ground.

Despite my reservations about having a pet, they have been good pets and Laura has enjoyed petting them and playing with them. Hazel and Clover also have a guinea pig friend up the road called Smokey and she belongs to my nephew Ben. Although, like me, my sister seems to have taken on the care of Smokey, cleaning her out, feeding her etc. Sadly Smokey's sister Fudge went to guinea pig heaven a few months ago and has left Smokey feeling rather lonely at times so, Hazel and Clover have a get together with her to lift her spirits!

In the summer they have a pen in the garden and eat grass all day and laze in the's a hard life! But I do feel a bit sorry for them in the winter months with it being cold and damp so often. However, we do manage to get them put on the patio occasionally for some fresh air and exercise...something Smokey up the road could do with! She is a pampered pet, lives in doors all year round and is a giant in comparison to our two!

Hope you have enjoyed meeting our guineas :) I will write more soon! Love Marie xx


1 comment:

  1. Smokey...a pampered pet? I'm sure I don't know what you're on about! He he! :P x
