Wednesday 26 December 2012

Twas the day after Christmas...

The day has been and gone yet again. The build up, the preparation and the planning and it's all over in a day! But it was a wonderful day, spent with family and I cherished it as always.
It started early with the girls setting the alarm for 7.00am...but it goes with out saying that they were awake well before then. It really didn't seem like I had been asleep very long before they came into our room demanding to go downstairs!
The girls really did do well with lots of presents from generous family and friends. And I received some very thoughtful gifts too.
On Christmas Eve, Phil gave me a beautiful, handmade Christmas stocking and 3 little Angels, with the girls initials on,for the tree. It was a lovely surprise and of course by morning the stocking was magically filled!
They were hand made by a friend of Phil's who has set up her own business called
 Little Robyn Red Head. Take a look at her page on Facebook. She's so talented and makes some beautiful things for the home.
After the madness of opening the presents I did have some quiet time to reflect on the meaning of Christmas. 
The contrast between the chaotic opening of presents and the peace found in prayer was needed by me and I'm glad I found time in the day to acknowledge in my heart the thankfulness I have for the best gift of all, Jesus Christ.
This is the verse I posted as my Facebook status yesterday...Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6.
The reason for the season!
 Later in the morning we got ourselves ready for the day and headed up to my twin sister's house where we enjoyed a lovely Christmas dinner with the rest of the family.
If you read my previous post you will know that we have very special times together as a family. The turkey cooked by Donna was excellent and the whole meal was delicious. As always there was lots left over even though we were full up!
 And once again we enjoyed singing carols after dinner as well as playing a game of Logo and Trivial Pursuit later in the day.
 I also enjoyed lots of cuddles with my great niece Esmé. She is 7 weeks old now and so cute!
 Cuddles with Esmé.
In the evening the Christmas cake off took place.
And after some 'blind taste testing' the results were in...
1st place for 'taste' went to...Me!
and 1st place for decoration went to...Donna!
Donna really had made an effort with her little characters and icing whilst my cake just had the edge with taste and texture, probably because I have the advantage of a Kenwood mixer!
My cake wins 1st place for Taste!
So there you have it... you could say it was a draw!
It was all done in fun though, no prizes but I think we will have to do it again next year for sure.
I really haven't done much today after the excitement of yesterday, apart from watch Downton Abbey. I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet but it was very good and you may need some tissues handy!
Are you a Downton Abbey fan? I love it!
Feel free to share about your Christmas day on here, I'd love to know how the day was for you!
I am thankful for yesterday and the special time we shared together as family. I know for some it will have been a difficult day but I do hope you found some peace in it all.
Love and prayers to all my family and friends.
Marie xx


  1. Marie, this is lovely. We too had a wonderful day but also taking a moment for reflection. Our moment was spent at the Crematorium taking a moment to think of our friend Paul. Putting some flowers at his side in the Garden of Remembrance. We had a lovely day which I'm sure will be very different next year! We have something magical to look forward to. Merry Christmas xx Amber xx

  2. Christmas not only seems to be about happy times with friends and family but also about remembering loved ones and the times we shared with them. That's so lovely that you took time to remember Paul. Hold on to the happy memories. Nice to hear you had a wonderful Christmas day. I'm sure it will be very different and very special too! xx
